WWF 50p
Issue date: 2011
Quantity minted: 3,400,000
Approximate values:
Circulated average condition: 50p
Circulated excellent condition: £3.00
Uncirculated: £10.50
Out of stock
Front Design:
50 different icons to represent the variety of work which the organisation is involved with. Design by Matthew Dent
Obverse Design:
Queen Elizabeth II portrait by Ian Rank-Broadley.
More about the WWF 50p
The Worldwide Fund (WWF) was conceived in 1961, and is the largest conservation organisation in the world, focusing their work on saving endangered species and conserving the world’s most precious natural places.
Buy One!
We currently have 0x surplus WWF 50p coins for sale.
Condition = Circulated Excellent
Price = £3.00 each
£3.00Read more
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I want to buy one
I got one
I’ve got very good condition ????
I have 1.how rare are they
3.4 million minted, not that rare.
I would buy
I have one if these.
I have one anyone want to buy
Iv got alot ov them about 35 pound worth in good condition thay r all in a book made of plastic litte envelop.